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Trainerin Pia Krone steht mit einem Headset vor ihrem Computer und einer Kamera. Sie gibt eine Remote Schulung im Rahmen des BREDEX Academy Programms. Auf einem Monitor dargestellt.

MS Team Training

MS team training for a detailed insight into the functionalities

The intensive and customized consulting led to the fact that we got a detailed insight into the functionalities of Microsoft Teams. In addition, the BREDEX trainers’ advice on setting up the team and data structures has given us an efficient and flexible platform that we can design ourselves.


As a service provider that advises many different companies in the economy, it is a major challenge to regulate all data and communication flows in such a way that effective collaboration is possible.

Employers’ Association of the Braunschweig Region e. V.

Trainer of the Academy

Service – Consulting

Project duration
Spread over several weeks


We chose Microsoft Teams training because at AGV we wanted to create a stable structure for the newly introduced software from the ground up.

Since we were newly implementing MS Teams, the challenge was to create the collaboration and data structures in a way that would allow for reliable and long-term organization of files. By spreading the training dates over several weeks, our team was able to try out the concepts proposed by the trainers, reflect on them and then optimize them together with the trainers. A lot of emphasis was put on a careful setup of the MS Teams environment.


The intensive and customized consulting resulted in a detailed insight into the functionalities of Microsoft Teams. In addition, the advice of the BREDEX trainers regarding the setup of the team and data structures has resulted in an efficient and flexible platform that we can design ourselves.

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